Sunday, 10 September 2017

King Louis

He is the King of the Swingers.

Gorilla Grod Heroclix figure with Heroclix Baboons. Lookout for the Super apes in the range.
Baboons and Grod are about the best and most useful though.

 Lions from OtherWorld Miniatures. Very nice figures.

 Female figures by Bob Murch.
Sadly now I am out of Jenga Blocks. But I hope I find another cheap source soon.

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Warmachine Atlantean Powerarmour

Here are some of my Warmachine Warjacks. I use these as Atlantean Power Armour troopers. They fit nicely into Pulp or Victorian Sci-fi.
This is one of the resin ones. Still some paintwork and trimming to do.

 Metal and Finished

 The new bit of Ruin. With a bit of extra colour experimentation.