Monday, 25 June 2018

Add ons WIP to My Secret Base!

These are some finished and WIPs for added details to "My Secret Base"

This is my concrete Sci-Fi, Pulp, Modern type industrial zone.

I try to make them look like "Any-When"

A mix of electronic components, household interestingly shaped objects and all as cheaply purchased or given to me as possible!

It is amazing how many of my friends and family just hand me stuff like old circuit boards and packaging when they see what I do with them.

Here we go!

These two items are the top and bottom of a Mini-screwdriver set I found in Poundland. Loved the shapes so got myself some more. Added Capacitors and bits of old Sprue from plastic kits for pipework.
 PDQ till rolls. With Renedra bases and old sprues from plastic kits.

 Bottom of Screwdriver set inverted painted and all sorts from the spares box added.

 An old small electric motor with another electric component from a dial added to it's side. Don't really know what it is supposed to be! But looks like an industrial something?

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