Wednesday, 20 March 2019

It's Gonna Be a "Juke Box Temple!" With all apologies to Foreigner!

For my Birthday. My Brother gave me this Mercedes car Air Filter. It didn't work anymore and He wondered if I could use it. I looked and thought. New major feature for Jaffa!

It is made of a very hard Acetate Plastic. Paint didn't really want to stick to it. I cleaned it. Sanded, filed and wire brushed it to death! Trying to give the undercoat something to stick to.

In the end I covered the whole thing in address labels then brushed PVA glue all over it.
That seems to have worked.

Then I realised I couldn't cut the rounded attachment that raised it from a ground basing level off! Without destroying the piece!

So I have begun Embedding it into the base with cork. I will be adding more padding around it. This will strengthen the piece before I get the wallop brush out and paint in earnest.

Stairs are the patent method of Jenga. Adjustments will be made.

It is enormous!

More to be done obviously. I haven't fixed anything in place as yet. But I want to use a lot more colour on the main building than previous Jaffa bits.

More as I get inspired.

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