Saturday, 6 July 2019

More added to my Matchbox Adventure 2000 armoured force.

A couple of other builds for the Adventure 2000 Corps.

This vehicle I left the old flip top missile launch bay doors open. I decided that the doors would make a stowage area for lockers and equipment bags. I salvaged backpacks from my spares box and anything else I thought would make interesting stowage.

I have also been experimenting with the cheap "Knock off Lego" Poundland had a few £1 kits and the wheels do make a useful resource for repair and replacement on this range of Die-casts.
Below is a turret I made from them as well. There is an actual working turntable mount you can super glue onto a flat surface. Be careful not to gum up the turn table itself! The flat topped thin tiles of Lego make good stowage boxes as well. It you want to add more to other vehicles.

I have actually built 2 more very Sci-fi looking light Auto-cannon turrets as well. Look for cheap Lego and remember! It may not stay together itself very well, but once you have your design glue it together! Obviously paint it as well.

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